2025 Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting - Virtual
May 13-16, 2025
Redefining Resilience: Advocacy, Values, and Creative Solutions
Conference Overview
The 2025 Northwest Archivists Annual Meeting will be held virtually from May 13-16. The conference theme is Redefining Resilience: Advocacy, Values, and Creative Solutions. In the past decade or more, archives have lost staff and funding but are continually asked to do the same amount of—or more—work. It is time to reframe the conversation from “doing more with less” to “doing our best with less.” What core functions of archives should be prioritized? What can we let go of? As archivists, how are we finding tools and building skills to fill the gap of what has been lost? How do we empower representation while protecting personal and professional boundaries? This theme invites proposals that cover practical solutions to these problems, ideas for advocating and collaborating for more resources, and suggestions for how to incorporate the new realms of blockchain, artificial intelligence, and digital preservation into our work.
Call for Proposals (CLOSED)
The Program Committee is seeking Session Proposals related to all aspects of archival practice, theory or research that is broadly related to the theme. Any and all ideas are welcome! We especially invite those in allied professions as well as graduate and undergraduate students to participate.
Deadlines: Session proposals for the NWA 2025 Annual Meeting are due on Friday, February 7 by 11:59pm PST. Acceptances will be communicated to presenters in March 2025. If you have any questions, please contact Program Committee Co-Chairs Libby Hopfauf: libbyhopfauf@gmail.com or Becky Butler Gallegos: rlgallegos2@alaska.edu.
See the full Call for Proposals.
Submit a Session Proposal.
Poster Proposals
Posters can be used to convey a variety of outcomes and ideas related to practice, theory, or research. Examples include - but are not limited to - summarizing an internship project, highlighting a workflow, demonstrating the use of a tool or technology, conveying an outreach or advocacy strategy, getting feedback about projects in progress, or sharing research findings. Proposals will be evaluated on clarity, originality, relevance to the field, and relation to the annual meeting theme.
Deadlines: Poster proposals are due Friday, March 14, 2025 at 11:59pm PST. Notifications will be sent out the week of March 17, 2025. Questions? Please contact Program Committee Co-Chairs Libby Hopfauf: libbyhopfauf@gmail.com or Becky Butler Gallegos: rlgallegos2@alaska.edu.
Submit your proposal using the Poster Proposal Form.
Call for Submissions - Archival Screening Night
The sixth Northwest Archivists Archival Screening Night will be held virtually as part of the 2025 Annual Meeting. This event provides the opportunity for archivists to share film and video materials from their collections. The goal is to create an inclusive showcase of videotape and film materials that demonstrate the rich moving image history of the Northwest. Everyone is invited and strongly encouraged to submit!
Deadlines: Submissions are due Friday, April 4, 2025 at 11:59 pm PST. Notifications of acceptance will be sent by Friday, April 18, 2025. Questions? Please contact info@mipops.org.
See the full Call for Submissions for more details.
Submit an entry to be considered for the screening.
Organizing Committees
Local Arrangements Committee:
Program Committee: