Annual Meeting Local Arrangements Committee (or Virtual Arrangements in 2025)
For more information contact Libby Hopfauf
Nominating Committee
2025 Board Positions up for Election:
Formulates and organizes session topics and speakers for the annual meeting. Program ideas or suggestions for next year's annual meeting should be submitted to the committee chair. The Chair is appointed by the president. Other members are appointed by the chair.
Chair: Libby Hopfauf
Visit the 2025 Annual Conference Committee Website
Plans and coordinates virtual arrangements for the association's annual meeting. Committee chair is appointed by the president. Other members are appointed as needed by the chair.
Chair/Co-chair: TBD
Visit the 2025Annual Conference Committee Website
Reviews scholarship applications and awards archival education and professional development scholarships sponsored by the association. Recognizes retiring members who have offered significant service to the organization and the profession. Develops a long range continuing education plan for Northwest Archivists. This committee also coordinates continuing education opportunities with other western regional archival organizations, as well as the annual Archives Month funding opportunity for NWA members. The committee Chair or Co-Chairs is/are appointed by the president. Other members are appointed by the Co-Chairs or Chair.
2024-2025 Committee:
Joshua Zimmerman (Co-Chair, Washington); please contact Joshua regarding the NWA Continuing Education Fund
Heather Mulliner (Montana); please contact Heather regarding the NWA At-Large Student Scholarship and the NWA Professional Development Scholarship
Brian Brown (Oregon); please contact Brian regarding October Archives Month funding
Conor Casey (Washington)
Recruits and reviews nominations for association's officers and board members. The chair is the Past President. Two other members are appointed by the chair based on geographic representation.
2024-2025 Committee:
Emily Cabaniss (Chair, WA)
Looking for committee representatives from Alaska, Montana, Idaho, and Oregon (Washington is already represented). The committee is looking for representatives from diverse types of repositories. The committee selects a slate of candidates for the annual election and presents the election ballot to the membership. Meetings will be held virtually. Contact Emily Cabaniss if you are interested.
Roles involved in NWA communication activities collect and write articles for inclusion on the blog, maintain the NWA website and social media sites, and support projects promoting archives and archival programs.
Social Media Coordinator ~ vacant
Webmaster ~ Mel Pomeroy (MT)
Blog Editor ~ vacant
Journal of Western Archives Representative ~Maija Anderson (OR)
NWA Representative to the Society of American Archivists Regional Archival Associations Consortium (RAAC) ~ Jodi Allison-Bunnell (2021-2023), Natalia Fernandez (2023-2025)
The committee hopes to set an example for how we can combat unethical practices, support interns, and assist under-resourced institutions. The committee will steward the internship program by facilitating fundraising efforts, perform program updates, completing application review, and offer host and resident support.
Alex Bisio (Chair)
Visit the NWA Archivist in Residence Website
The purpose of interest groups is to give members a chance to gather around a common archival subject or topic in the northwest region. Please note that membership is not limited to members of Northwest Archivists. See Guidelines for more information.
Please complete the Interest Group Template and Petition and submit it along with any additional supporting material to the current president of Northwest Archivists. The creation of interest groups is at the discretion of the Executive Board of Northwest Archivists and each petition is judged on its individual merit, based on the information provided in the petition. Submission of this petition does not guarantee or imply an interest group’s formation.
Mission: To provide a local forum in which archivists and cultural heritage bearers can collaborate, discuss, and disseminate information related to the support of Indigenous histories through care of, and access to, Indigenous Native American archival collections in the Northwest.
River Freemont (Coordinator)
Visit the Native American Collections Roundtable Website
The Audio and Moving Images Round Table (AMIR) makes a regional sharing cohort for reference, referral and innovation to further the preservation and management of audio and video collections. It also localizes the Society of American Archivists section of the same name, amplifying the resources available in the Pacific Northwest in support of Archives, Libraries and other cultural heritage repositories.
Point of Contact: Andrew Weaver